Museum of Desire - book

This book explores the aspects of collecting. It is about desire, music and identity. As the world evolves one thing stays the same; people’s feelings. We like to move forward, learn new things, experience more and evolve. Often people have the feeling of nostalgia for the past. This is where the need to collect comes from. This book is the outcome of extensive research on collecting focusing on vinyl records.

As a music and vinyl lover, l believe every record collector wished, even for once, that they would have a vinyl created by them; at least I do. Imagine having your own vinyl recorded, your own voice on the wax or your artwork on the cover. With that in mind, I recorded one of the interviews I conducted for the Museum of Desire by a dear friend and fellow collector John Charalambides. This vinyl, both the design and the recording, draws from the past and speaks of the present. It opens up with the first verse of the ‘American Prayer’ by Jim Morrison and in between it’s the actual recorded interview in the form of a narrative. The titles of the tracks are the questions.